Athens, Greece
At Athens, Greece the average annual temperature is 18.29C (64.925F). 6.00C (42.80F) is the coolest monthly mean min temp (which occurs in January) while 33.00C (91.40F) is the warmest monthly average max temperature that comes about in the month of July & August. The annual mean temperature range is 18.50C. Precipitation in Greece totals on average 402.00mm (15.83in) per annum. The average amount of rainfall per month is 33.50mm (1.32in). December is the most damp month effected by an average of 71mm (2.80in) of water precipitating on an average of 15 days while in July only 6mm (0.24in) of rain falls over 2 days. Greece’s climate is effected by 103 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Greece averages 62.58333333% over the year. 47% is the minimum mean monthly relative humidity that comes about in July & August and 75% is the maximum mean monthly relative humidity that presents itself in December. Greece’s weather is subject to 2756 sunshine hours annually or 7.55 daily hours. The range of hours of sunshine is from an average of 3.8 per day in December to 11.9 per day in July. Get a more full guide to the Greece average precipitation July courtesy of this useful resource. Free Greece climate charts expose a comprehensive synopsis of the temperatures in Greece.
Manila, Luzon, Philippines
At Manila, Luzon, Philippines the average annual temperature is 27.71C (81.875F). 22.00C (71.60F) is the coolest monthly mean minimum temp (that takes place in January & February) while 34.00C (93.20F) is the most hot monthly mean max temp ensueing in May. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 4.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Philippines builds up to an average total of 2061.00mm (81.14in) per annum. The average amount of rainfall per month is 171.75mm (6.76in). August is the dampest month effected by an average of 474mm (18.66in) of water precipitating on an average of 22 days while in February only 7mm (0.28in) of rain falls over 3 days. Philippines’s weather enjoys 144 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Philippines averages 73.83333333% over the year. 64% is the minimum average monthly relative humidity ensueing in April and 82% is the highest average monthly relative humidity to be found in August, September. Philippines’s climate is subject to 2105 hours of sunlight per year equivalent to an average of 5.77 hours per day. The range of hours of sunlight is from an average of 4.3 per day in July & August to 8.6 per day in April. There is lots more information about the temperatures in Philippines in March at this useful resource. Just click on the link to see it now. Free Philippines climate charts show full details about the rainfall in Philippines.
Bangkok, Thailand
In Bangkok, Thailand the yearly average temp is 27.71C (81.875F). 20.00C (68.00F) is the most cold monthly mean minimum temp (that presents itself in January) while 35.00C (95.00F) is the most hot monthly mean max temperature that takes place in April. The annual mean temperature range is therefore 4.50C. Wet weather in Thailand is on average 1492.00mm (58.74in) per year. The average amount of rainfall per month is 124.33mm (4.90in). September is the dampest month subject to an average of 306mm (12.05in) of rain falling over a period of 15 days while in December only 7mm (0.28in) of rain falls over 1 days. Thailand’s climate enjoys an average of 88 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Thailand averages 79.91666667% annually. 74% is the most low mean monthly relative humidity that presents itself in January and 85% is the peak mean monthly relative humidity that takes place in September, October. There is further information about the Thailand average temp courtesy of the excellent website. This link covers basically everything you would like to know. Free Thailand climate graphs display full details about the rainfall in Thailand.